Create Base Drawings ( Home & Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Tool summary :

  • Creates a base drawing (a copy) of each member detail or submaterial detail or erection view drawing or sheet that you select.
  • A base drawing may be created automatically when a member detail is placed onto a sheet. This Change option provides another way to create base drawings for member details. It is the only way to create base drawings for other drawing types.
  • Unless the box is checked for " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings ," this Change option also creates an archived copy of that drawing.
  • The newly created base drawings and archived drawings are copies of the details that are selected. If you then check the box for " Detail with revisions " when you Detail Members , the program clouds differences between the base drawing and the new detail that is generated.
  • Why replace an old base drawing? To change the way that Detail Members clouds the detail.
  • Why create the first base drawing? So that Detail Members can cloud changes on revised versions of that member detail.
  • See, on this page, the step-by-step instructions:

Also see :

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   Step-by-step instructions :

This Change option creates a base drawing for each member detail or erection view or submaterial or detail sheet or gather sheets or erection sheet that you select.

1 . Invoke Create Base Drawings using any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Change Options > Create Base Drawings .

Method 2 : Click the Create Base Drawings icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Edit -- Change Options ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 3 : If the " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Edit > Change Options > Create Base Drawing .

Method 4, 5 & 6 : Create Base Drawings can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

2 . Create Base Drawings opens a selection dialog that allows you to select the type of drawing, then select instances of drawings of that type.

Tip : The setup option " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings " turns off/on the creation of an archived drawing along with the base drawing that is created for each drawing or sheet that you select.

3a : Select the type of drawing that you want (' Details ' or ' Submaterials ' or etc.), then select individual drawings or sheets that you want to create base drawings for, then press the " OK " button.

3 . Create Base Drawings creates base drawings for the selected drawings or sheets. Each base drawing is a copy of the selected drawing or sheet. Please note the following:

  • An archived drawing is created along with the new base drawing if the box is not checked for " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings " in Sheet Revisions setup. The archived drawing is an exact copy of the base drawing, retained to ensure that a record will continue to exist of that drawing if or when the base drawing ever changes.
  • Archived drawings are not created if the box is checked for " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings " in Sheet Revisions setup.
  • For the selection dialog that appears in step 2, the boxes in Hide Items for " Detail required " and " No file " are checked by default, thus preventing the list from including members that are not up to date or do not have drawings.
  • If you selected a file in step 2 that has not yet had a drawing created, no base drawing will be created since there is no detail to copy. This can happen when you check the box for " Show All ."
  • If you Detail Members and check the box for " Detail with revisions " and select any detail you just created a base drawing for, differences between the base drawing and the newly generated detail will be clouded .

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